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It does not fit in my suitcase!

estheradmin 0

Last updated on 8th June 2019

Packing for a trip around the world is a challenging thing and actually I am struggling already. I was so careful and selected only the absolutely needed items but – AAAHHH – it does not fit in my bags . The idea was to travel only with handluggage and a small backpack. Seems that was a nice wish but it is not working out? The flight is booked only with cabin bags. Adding another piece of luggage for check-in would be very expensive.

Update: No chance, I had to add another bag and pay for it. 41€ on WIZZ Air. Outch! And the winner of the trip to Georgia is my old pink hiking rucksack that I bought more than 20 years ago (and still have it) when I travelled the first time a longer distance. It turns out to be quite handy to carry the weight instead of pulling a suitcase (it was weighted only 12kg ).

Here is my complete packing list.

My luggage: backpack (12kg), small suitcase for the cabin (11kg handluggage) and day pack (5kg)

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